HIV Screening Clinical Guidelines Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build Unknown region code '840'

HIV Screening Clinical Guidelines Implementation Guide, published by National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (NACHC). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: PEP Medication Prescriptions Codes Grouper

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2022-01-17 Computable Name: PEPMedicationPrescriptionsCodesGrouper

Copyright/Legal: Copyright National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (NACHC)

Group Valueset with codes representing possible values for the PEP Medication Prescriptions Codes Grouper element


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet nachc-g1-de5-codes-grouper

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:



Generated Narrative: ValueSet nachc-g1-de5-codes-grouper

This value set expansion contains 114 concepts.

  1359268 800 MG
  1359270 800 MG [Prezista]
  1359269 800 MG Oral Tablet
  1359271 800 MG Oral Tablet [Prezista]
  1433869 50 MG
  2122522 50 MG / lamivudine 300 MG [Dovato]
  2122519 50 MG / lamivudine 300 MG Oral Tablet
  2122526 50 MG / lamivudine 300 MG Oral Tablet [Dovato]
  1433875 50 MG [Tivicay]
  1433873 50 MG Oral Tablet
  1433879 50 MG Oral Tablet [Tivicay]
  317359 200 MG
  573284 200 MG [Sustiva]
  205290 200 MG Oral Capsule
  213390 200 MG Oral Capsule [Sustiva]
  1088481 200 MG Oral Tablet
  315853 50 MG
  573286 50 MG [Sustiva]
  205292 50 MG Oral Capsule
  213392 50 MG Oral Capsule [Sustiva]
  350652 600 MG
  643068 600 MG / emtricitabine 200 MG / tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 MG [Atripla]
  643066 600 MG / emtricitabine 200 MG / tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 MG Oral Tablet
  643070 600 MG / emtricitabine 200 MG / tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 MG Oral Tablet [Atripla]
  575878 600 MG [Sustiva]
  349477 600 MG Oral Tablet
  352143 600 MG Oral Tablet [Sustiva]
  639887 200 MG / tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 MG [Truvada]
  476556 200 MG / tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 MG Oral Tablet
  639888 200 MG / tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 MG Oral Tablet [Truvada]
  1736574 90 MG
  1736577 90 MG [Fuzeon]
  401981 90 MG Injection
  404460 90 MG Injection [Fuzeon]
  402414 90 MG/ML
  576416 90 MG/ML [Fuzeon]
  1161890 Injectable Product
  402415 Injectable Solution
  406055 Injectable Solution [Fuzeon]
  1736575 Injection
  1736578 Injection [Fuzeon]
  402364 700 MG
  576110 700 MG [Lexiva]
  402109 700 MG Oral Tablet
  402110 700 MG Oral Tablet [Lexiva]
  728221 150 MG
  729199 150 MG [Selzentry]
  728223 150 MG Oral Tablet
  729201 150 MG Oral Tablet [Selzentry]
  728224 300 MG
  729202 300 MG [Selzentry]
  728225 300 MG Oral Tablet
  729203 300 MG Oral Tablet [Selzentry]
  744840 400 MG
  744844 400 MG [Isentress]
  744842 400 MG Oral Tablet
  744846 400 MG Oral Tablet [Isentress]
  1924312 600 MG
  1924314 600 MG [Isentress]
  1924313 600 MG Oral Tablet
  1924315 600 MG Oral Tablet [Isentress]
  317488 100 MG
  565134 100 MG [Norvir]
  317150 100 MG Oral Capsule
  152970 100 MG Oral Capsule [Norvir]
  1926066 100 MG Oral Powder
  1926069 100 MG Oral Powder [Norvir]
  900575 100 MG Oral Tablet
  900577 100 MG Oral Tablet [Norvir]
  859862 mesylate 500 MG
  859864 mesylate 500 MG [Invirase]
  859863 mesylate 500 MG Oral Tablet
  859865 mesylate 500 MG Oral Tablet [Invirase]
  328624 15 MG
  565117 15 MG [Zerit]
  313107 15 MG Oral Capsule
  152941 15 MG Oral Capsule [Zerit]
  328625 20 MG
  565118 20 MG [Zerit]
  313108 20 MG Oral Capsule
  152942 20 MG Oral Capsule [Zerit]
  328627 30 MG
  565119 30 MG [Zerit]
  313109 30 MG Oral Capsule
  152943 30 MG Oral Capsule [Zerit]
  330498 40 MG
  565120 40 MG [Zerit]
  313110 40 MG Oral Capsule
  152944 40 MG Oral Capsule [Zerit]
  393334 disoproxil fumarate 300 MG
  575802 disoproxil fumarate 300 MG [Viread]
  349251 disoproxil fumarate 300 MG Oral Tablet
  352050 disoproxil fumarate 300 MG Oral Tablet [Viread]
  664740 300 MG
  664742 300 MG [Reyataz]
  664741 300 MG Oral Capsule
  664743 300 MG Oral Capsule [Reyataz]
  368309 / zidovudine Oral Tablet [Combivir]
  573017 150 MG / zidovudine 300 MG [Combivir]
  200082 150 MG / zidovudine 300 MG Oral Tablet
  213088 150 MG / zidovudine 300 MG Oral Tablet [Combivir]
  350655 300 MG
  575950 300 MG [Epivir]
  349491 300 MG Oral Tablet
  352230 300 MG Oral Tablet [Epivir]
  316915 100 MG
  566052 100 MG [Retrovir]
  198352 100 MG Oral Capsule
  201907 100 MG Oral Capsule [Retrovir]
  316916 300 MG
  565059 300 MG [Retrovir]
  199663 300 MG Oral Tablet
  152772 300 MG Oral Tablet [Retrovir]

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code