HIV Screening Clinical Guidelines Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build Unknown region code '840'

HIV Screening Clinical Guidelines Implementation Guide, published by National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (NACHC). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: HIV infection as a condition Codes

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-08-12 Computable Name: HIVinfectionasaconditionCodes

Copyright/Legal: Copyright National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (NACHC)

Codes representing possible values for the HIV infection as a condition element


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet nachc-a1-de2

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include these codes as defined in
    713533000Acquired hemolytic anemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    62479008Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (disorder)
    236406007Acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related nephropathy (disorder)
    420721002Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated disorder (disorder)
    713511002Acute endocarditis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    111880001Acute human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713530002Agranulocytosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713349004Anemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713508003Aplastic anemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    90681000119107Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus A1 infection (disorder)
    90691000119105Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus A2 infection (disorder)
    91947003Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    91948008Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection in pregnancy (disorder)
    713544008Bacterial pneumonia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713897006Burkitt lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713297001Candidiasis of esophagus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713497004Candidiasis of mouth co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713523008Cardiomyopathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713446007Chronic infection caused by herpes simplex virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    276665006Congenital acquired immune deficiency syndrome (disorder)
    52079000Congenital human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713844000Dementia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713543002Demyelinating disease of central nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713718006Diffuse non-Hodgkin immunoblastic lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713571008Disorder of central nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713299003Disorder of eye proper co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713300006Disorder of gastrointestinal tract co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713504001Disorder of kidney co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713527009Disorder of peripheral nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713484001Disorder of respiratory system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713340000Disorder of skin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713503007Disorder of spinal cord co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713967004Disseminated atypical infection caused by Mycobacterium co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713445006Disseminated infection caused by Strongyloides co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713510001Enlargement of liver co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713316008Eruption of skin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    733835007Extrapulmonary tuberculosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713887002Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713505000Gastrointestinal malabsorption syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    414376003Hairy leukoplakia of tongue associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease (disorder)
    713298006Heart disease co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713444005Hemophagocytic syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    442134007Hepatitis B associated with Human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    72621000119104Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) II infection category B1 (disorder)
    72631000119101Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) II infection category B2 (disorder)
    398329009Human immunodeficiency virus encephalitis (disorder)
    397763006Human immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy (disorder)
    235726002Human immunodeficiency virus enteropathy (disorder)
    40780007Human immunodeficiency virus I infection (disorder)
    79019005Human immunodeficiency virus II infection (disorder)
    10755671000119100Human immunodeficiency virus in mother complicating childbirth (disorder)
    86406008Human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    186706006Human immunodeficiency virus infection constitutional disease (disorder)
    87117006Human immunodeficiency virus infection with acute lymphadenitis (disorder)
    315019000Human immunodeficiency virus infection with aseptic meningitis (disorder)
    48794007Human immunodeficiency virus infection with infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome (disorder)
    186707002Human immunodeficiency virus infection with neurological disease (disorder)
    186708007Human immunodeficiency virus infection with secondary clinical infectious disease (disorder)
    230180003Human immunodeficiency virus leukoencephalopathy (disorder)
    240103002Human immunodeficiency virus myopathy (disorder)
    235009000Human immunodeficiency virus-associated periodontitis (disorder)
    281388009Human immunodeficiency virus-related sclerosing cholangitis (disorder)
    714464009Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome caused by human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713732008Infection caused by Aspergillus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713729005Infection caused by Coccidia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713845004Infection caused by Cryptosporidium co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713722001Infection caused by Cytomegalovirus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713734009Infection caused by Dermatophyte co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713730000Infection caused by herpes simplex virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713733003Infection caused by herpes zoster virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713881001Infection caused by Microsporidia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713545009Infection caused by Nocardia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713490002Infection caused by Pneumocystis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713342008Infection caused by Salmonella co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713339002Infection caused by Strongyloides co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713570009Infectious gastroenteritis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713532005Infective arthritis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    733834006Invasive carcinoma of uterine cervix co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713546005Isosporiasis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    414604009Leukoplakia of tongue associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease (disorder)
    713507008Lymphadenopathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713572001Malignant neoplastic disease co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713964006Multidermatomal infection caused by Herpes zoster co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713341001Myelitis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713318009Myocarditis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713695001Nephrotic syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713278001Neuralgia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713506004Neuritis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    230598008Neuropathy caused by human immunodeficiency virus (disorder)
    442537007Non-Hodgkin lymphoma associated with Human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713880000Opportunistic mycosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    402901009Oral hairy leukoplakia associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease (disorder)
    713491003Organic brain syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    405631006Pediatric human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713489006Polyneuropathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713488003Presenile dementia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713325002Primary cerebral lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713487008Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713731001Pyrexia of unknown origin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713320007Radiculitis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713526000Recurrent bacterial pneumonia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    714083007Recurrent salmonella sepsis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713696000Renal failure syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713483007Reticulosarcoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713275003Splenomegaly co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713260006Subacute adenoviral encephalitis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    81000119104Symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
    713531003Visual impairment co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  • Include these codes as defined in
    Z21 Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status
    B20 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
    O98.72 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease complicating childbirth
    O98.711 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease complicating pregnancy, first trimester
    O98.712 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease complicating pregnancy, second trimester
    O98.713 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease complicating pregnancy, third trimester
    O98.719 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
    O98.73 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease complicating the puerperium
    B97.35 Human immunodeficiency virus, type 2 [HIV 2] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion based on:

  • codesystem ICD-10 version2019-covid-expanded
  • SNOMED CT International edition 01-Feb 2024

This value set contains 110 concepts

  713533000 hemolytic anemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  236406007 immune deficiency syndrome-related nephropathy
  420721002 immunodeficiency syndrome-associated disorder (disorder)
  713511002 endocarditis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  111880001 HIV infection
  713530002 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713349004 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713508003 anaemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  90681000119107 human immunodeficiency virus A1 infection (disorder)
  90691000119105 human immunodeficiency virus A2 infection (disorder)
  91947003 human immunodeficiency virus infection
  91948008 human immunodeficiency virus infection in pregnancy
  713544008 pneumonia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713897006 lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713297001 of oesophagus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713497004 of mouth co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713523008 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713446007 infection caused by herpes simplex virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  276665006 acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  52079000 human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713844000 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713543002 disease of central nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713718006 non-Hodgkin's immunoblastic lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713571008 of central nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713299003 of eye co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713300006 of gastrointestinal tract co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713504001 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713527009 of peripheral nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713484001 of respiratory system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713340000 of skin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713503007 of spinal cord co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713967004 atypical infection caused by Mycobacterium co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713445006 infection caused by Strongyloides co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713510001 liver co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713316008 of skin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  733835007 tuberculosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713887002 segmental glomerulosclerosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713505000 malabsorption syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  414376003 leukoplakia of tongue associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease (disorder)
  713298006 disease co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713444005 syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  442134007 B associated with Human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  72621000119104 immunodeficiency virus (HIV) II infection category B1 (disorder)inactive
  72631000119101 immunodeficiency virus (HIV) II infection category B2 (disorder)inactive
  398329009 immunodeficiency virus encephalitis (disorder)
  397763006 immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy (disorder)
  235726002 immunodeficiency virus enteropathy
  40780007 immunodeficiency virus I infection
  79019005 immunodeficiency virus II infection
  10755671000119100 immunodeficiency virus in mother complicating childbirth (disorder)
  86406008 immunodeficiency virus infection
  186706006 immunodeficiency virus infection constitutional disease
  87117006 infection with acute lymphadenitis
  315019000 infection with aseptic meningitis
  48794007 infection with infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome
  186707002 immunodeficiency virus infection with neurological disease (disorder)
  186708007 immunodeficiency virus infection with secondary clinical infectious disease
  230180003 immunodeficiency virus leukoencephalopathy (disorder)
  240103002 - Human immunodeficiency virus myopathy
  235009000 immunodeficiency virus-associated periodontitisinactive
  281388009 sclerosing cholangitis
  714464009 reconstitution inflammatory syndrome caused by human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713732008 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713729005 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713845004 caused by Cryptosporidium co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713722001 caused by Cytomegalovirus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713734009 caused by Dermatophyte co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713730000 caused by herpes simplex virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713733003 caused by herpes zoster virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713881001 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713545009 caused by Nocardia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713490002 caused by Pneumocystis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713342008 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713339002 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713570009 gastroenteritis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713532005 arthritis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  733834006 carcinoma of uterine cervix co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713546005 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  414604009 of tongue associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease (disorder)
  713507008 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713572001 neoplastic disease co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713964006 infection caused by Herpes zoster co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713341001 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713318009 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713695001 syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713278001 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713506004 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  230598008 caused by human immunodeficiency virus (disorder)
  442537007 lymphoma associated with Human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713880000 mycosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  402901009 hairy leukoplakia associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease (disorder)
  713491003 brain syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  405631006 human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713489006 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713488003 dementia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713325002 cerebral lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713487008 multifocal leucoencephalopathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713731001 of unknown origin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713320007 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  713526000 bacterial pneumonia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  714083007 salmonella septicaemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713696000 failure syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713483007 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713275003 co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713260006 adenoviral encephalitis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
  81000119104 human immunodeficiency virus infection
  713531003 impairment co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
  Z21 human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status
  B20 immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code