Dependent IGs Analysis for Mobile Antepartum Summary

Generated Wed Jun 05 11:29:32 UTC 2024 for ihe.pcc.maps



Details By IG

ValueSets used in profiles

Advance Directives Advance Directives

Derived profiles

Antapartum Summary Antapartum Summary US Realm

Details By Resource



Advance Directives Bound In Advance Directives (
Alcohol USe Frequency (not used)
Antepartum Education (not used)
Antepartum Family History and Genetic Screening (not used)
Antepartum History of Infection (not used)
Antepartum History of Past Illness (not used)
Antepartum Laboratory (not used)
Antepartum Review of Systems Menstrual History (not used)
Edema observation (not used)
Fetal Movement (not used)
Fetal Presentation (not used)
Presence In Urine (not used)
Smoking Status (not used)
Smoking Tabbacco Use Frequency (not used)


Albumin Presence In Urine (not used)
alcohol Use (not used)
Annotation Comment observation (not used)
Antepartum Genetic Screenings (not used)
Antepartum Labs (not used)
Antepartum Visit Summary Flowsheet Battery (not used)
Body Weight Measured Pre Pregnancy (not used)
Cervical Canal External os Diameter by ultrasound (not used)
Cervix Length by ultrasound (not used)
Date of Next Clinic Visit observation (not used)
Date Of First Prenatal Visit (not used)
Date Of Last Live Birth (not used)
Date Of Last Menstral Period (not used)
Date Of Last Other Pregnancy Outcome (not used)
Delivery Date Clinical Estimate (not used)
Delivery Date Clinical Estimated From Last Menstral Period (not used)
Delivery Date Clinical Estimated From Ovulation Date (not used)
Delivery Risk (not used)
Diet (not used)
Duration of Menstrual Flow (not used)
Edema observation (not used)
Effacement Cervix by Palpitation (not used)
Exercise (not used)
Fetal Body Weight palpation (not used)
Fetal Body Weight ultrasoud (not used)
Fetal Heart Rate Auscultation (not used)
Fetal Heart Rate Ultrasound (not used)
Fetal Movement Reported (not used)
Fetal Presentation palpation (not used)
Fetal Presentation Ultrasound (not used)
Fetus Gestational Age (not used)
Fetus Gestational Age Clinical Estimate (not used)
Fetus Gestational Age Estimated From LMP (not used)
Fetus Gestational Age Estimated From Ovulation Date (not used)
Frequency of Menstrual Cycles (not used)
Gestational Age (not used)
Albumin Presence In Urine (not used)
Albumin Presence In Urine test by strip (not used)
Homelessness (not used)
Labor Risk (not used)
Menarche (not used)
Menses Monthly (not used)
Menstrual Status (not used)
Multiple Pregnancy (not used)
Number of Abortions (not used)
Number of Abortions Induced (not used)
Number of Abortions Spontanious (not used)
Births Still Living (not used)
Births to Term (not used)
Number of Ectopic Pregnancy (not used)
Number of Live Births (not used)
Number Of Other Pregnancy Outcomes (not used)
Number of Pregnancies (not used)
Number Of Prenatal Visits For This Pregnancy (not used)
Number of Preterm Births (not used)
Number Of Previous Cesarean Deliveries (not used)
Number Of Previous Live Births Now Dead (not used)
Number of Stillborn Births (not used)
Number of Total Births (not used)
Antapartum Summary Constrained In Antapartum Summary US Realm (
Pain Severity Reported observation (not used)
Pregnancy Education Observation (not used)
Pregnancy History Observations (not used)
Preterm labor symptoms (not used)
Prior Menses Date (not used)
Smoking and Tobacco Use Frequency (not used)
Toxic Exposure (not used)
Uterus Fundal Height (not used)
At risk of domestic violence (not used)
Advance Directives (not used)
Drug Use (not used)
hCG+ (not used)

