Validation Results for InternationalPatientSummaryIG

Generated Fri Mar 22 14:39:06 UTC 2024, FHIR version 4.0.1 for hl7.fhir.uv.ips#1.1.0 (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.6.3
Publication Code:ips . PackageId = hl7.fhir.uv.ips, Canonical =
Realm Check for UV:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • Version 1.1.0 has already been published
  • Publication Request is for version v1.1.0 which is already published
Supressed Messages:15 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
.. hl7.fhir.uv.ips1.1.0R4
... hl7.terminology.r45.3.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 5.5.0
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 MR4
... fhir.dicom2022.4.20221006 OR4 Release is 2024.1.20240120
Templates: hl7.fhir.template#current -> hl7.base.template#current -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.1.0
Dependent IGs:3 guides
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:40 issues
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison:
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Summary: errors = 144, warn = 40, info = 61, broken links = 0
Build Errors010

n/a Show Validation Information

warningThe jira specification file appears to be out of date with the versions, artifacts and pages currently defined in the IG. A proposed revised file to be reviewed and, if appropriate, submitted as a pull request against the XML folder in To see the differences, perform a file compare on 'template/jira-current.xml' (a normalized view of what is in Github) and 'template/jira-new.xml' (reflects current IG content)

input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xml Show Validation Information (76)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/30551ce1-5a28-4356-b684-1e639094ad4d*​/​.section[0]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l79​/c12)errorWrong Display Name 'Problem list Reported' for Valid display is 'Problem list - Reported' (for the language(s) 'en-GB') (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/30551ce1-5a28-4356-b684-1e639094ad4d*​/​.section[3]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l166​/c12)errorWrong Display Name 'Hx of Past illness' for Valid display is 'History of Past illness Narrative' (for the language(s) 'en-GB') (from
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​.qualification[0]​.code (l354​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2.7|0360 (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef*​/​.qualification[0]​.code (l354​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2.7|0360 (from
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​.code (l428​/c11)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|2019-covid-expanded (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Condition​/c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80*​/​.code (l428​/c11)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|2019-covid-expanded (from
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.dosage[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.type (l492​/c13)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[5]​.resource​/*MedicationStatement​/c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6*​/​.dosage[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.type (l492​/c13)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​.code​.coding[1] (l548​/c11)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​.code​.coding[2] (l548​/c11)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Medication​/976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc*​/​.code​.coding[1]​.system (l548​/c11)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Medication​/976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc*​/​.code​.coding[2]​.system (l548​/c11)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Bundle​.entry[11]​.resource​.type[0] (l715​/c11)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[16]​.resource​.entry[11]​.resource​/*Organization​/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7*​/​.type[0] (l715​/c11)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.subject (l33​/c14)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Composition.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.author[1] (l37​/c13)errorCan't find 'Practitioner/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.custodian (l56​/c16)errorCan't find 'Organization/890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' in the bundle (Composition.custodian). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.attester[1]​.party (l45​/c13)errorCan't find 'Practitioner/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.attester[2]​.party (l52​/c13)errorCan't find 'Organization/890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[1]​.entry[1] (l90​/c13)errorCan't find 'Condition/c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[2]​.entry[1] (l135​/c13)errorCan't find 'MedicationStatement/c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[2]​.entry[2] (l138​/c13)errorCan't find 'MedicationStatement/47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[3]​.entry[1] (l157​/c13)errorCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[3]​.entry[2] (l160​/c13)errorCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[4]​.entry[1] (l177​/c13)errorCan't find 'Condition/c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[6]​.entry[1] (l268​/c13)errorCan't find 'Observation/2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[6]​.entry[2] (l271​/c13)errorCan't find 'Observation/cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[6]​.entry[3] (l274​/c13)errorCan't find 'Observation/26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[4].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Medication/976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Medication/8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[9].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[10].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[12].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[12].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[13].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[13].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[15].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[15].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Observation/aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Observation/6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[1]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Observation/b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[2]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Observation/a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[3]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[17].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[17].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[18].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[18].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[19].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle.entry[2] (l282/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[3] (l336/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[4] (l366/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[5] (l393/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[6] (l458/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[7] (l511/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[8] (l543/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[9] (l574/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[10] (l605/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[11] (l644/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[12] (l709/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[13] (l726/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[14] (l763/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[15] (l800/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[16] (l837/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[17] (l874/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[18] (l912/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[19] (l951/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[20] (l991/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition

input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xml Show Validation Information (78)

Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/30551ce1-5a28-4356-b684-1e639094ad4d*​/​.section[0]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l79​/c12)errorWrong Display Name 'Problem list Reported' for Valid display is 'Problem list - Reported' (for the language(s) 'en-GB') (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​/*Composition​/30551ce1-5a28-4356-b684-1e639094ad4d*​/​.section[3]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l166​/c12)errorWrong Display Name 'Hx of Past illness' for Valid display is 'History of Past illness Narrative' (for the language(s) 'en-GB') (from
Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​.qualification[0]​.code (l378​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2.7|0360 (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef*​/​.qualification[0]​.code (l378​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2.7|0360 (from
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​.code (l452​/c11)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|2019-covid-expanded (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Condition​/c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80*​/​.code (l452​/c11)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|2019-covid-expanded (from
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.dosage[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.type (l516​/c13)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[5]​.resource​/*MedicationStatement​/c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6*​/​.dosage[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.type (l516​/c13)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​.code​.coding[1] (l572​/c11)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[7]​.resource​.code​.coding[2] (l572​/c11)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Medication​/976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc*​/​.code​.coding[1]​.system (l572​/c11)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.entry[7]​.resource​/*Medication​/976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc*​/​.code​.coding[2]​.system (l572​/c11)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Bundle​.entry[11]​.resource​.type[0] (l739​/c11)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[16]​.resource​.entry[11]​.resource​/*Organization​/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7*​/​.type[0] (l739​/c11)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[20]​.resource​.vaccineCode​.coding[0]​.code (l1060​/c18)informationThe code '836508001' is valid but is not active (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[20]​.resource​/*Immunization​/40b7b6a0-c043-423a-9959-be3707e728b2*​/​.vaccineCode​.coding[0]​.code (l1060​/c18)informationThe code '836508001' is valid but is not active (from
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.subject (l33​/c14)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Composition.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.author[1] (l37​/c13)errorCan't find 'Practitioner/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.custodian (l56​/c16)errorCan't find 'Organization/890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' in the bundle (Composition.custodian). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.attester[1]​.party (l45​/c13)errorCan't find 'Practitioner/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.attester[2]​.party (l52​/c13)errorCan't find 'Organization/890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[1]​.entry[1] (l90​/c13)errorCan't find 'Condition/c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[2]​.entry[1] (l135​/c13)errorCan't find 'MedicationStatement/c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[2]​.entry[2] (l138​/c13)errorCan't find 'MedicationStatement/47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[3]​.entry[1] (l157​/c13)errorCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[3]​.entry[2] (l160​/c13)errorCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[4]​.entry[1] (l177​/c13)errorCan't find 'Condition/c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[6]​.entry[1] (l268​/c13)errorCan't find 'Observation/2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[6]​.entry[2] (l271​/c13)errorCan't find 'Observation/cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[6]​.entry[3] (l274​/c13)errorCan't find 'Observation/26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[7]​.entry[1] (l298​/c13)errorCan't find 'Immunization/40b7b6a0-c043-423a-9959-be3707e728b2' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:40b7b6a0-c043-423a-9959-be3707e728b2``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[4].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Medication/976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Medication/8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[9].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[10].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[12].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[12].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[13].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[13].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[15].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[15].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Observation/aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Observation/6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[1]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Observation/b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[2]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Observation/a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[3]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[17].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[17].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[18].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[18].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[19].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle (l2/c80)errorCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[20].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
Bundle.entry[2] (l306/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[3] (l360/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[4] (l390/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[5] (l417/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[6] (l482/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[7] (l535/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[8] (l567/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[9] (l598/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[10] (l629/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[11] (l668/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[12] (l733/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[13] (l750/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[14] (l787/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[15] (l824/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[16] (l861/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[17] (l898/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[18] (l936/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[19] (l975/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[20] (l1015/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[21] (l1042/c9)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:40b7b6a0-c043-423a-9959-be3707e728b2' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition

input/examples/bundle-minimal.json Show Validation Information (17)

Bundle​.entry[2]​.resource​.qualification[0]​.code (l255​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2.7|0360 (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[2]​.resource​/*Practitioner​/98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f*​/​.qualification[0]​.code (l255​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2.7|0360 (from
Bundle​.entry[4]​.resource​.code (l349​/c10)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|2019-covid-expanded (from
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[4]​.resource​/*Condition​/ad84b7a2-b4dd-474e-bef3-0779e6cb595f*​/​.code (l349​/c10)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|2019-covid-expanded (from
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.dosage[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.type (l427​/c18)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[0]​.resource​.entry[5]​.resource​/*MedicationStatement​/6e883e5e-7648-485a-86de-3640a61601fe*​/​.dosage[0]​.doseAndRate[0]​.type (l427​/c18)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|0.1.0
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​.code​.coding[1] (l453​/c10)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[6]​.resource​.code​.coding[2] (l453​/c10)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Medication​/6369a973-afc7-4617-8877-3e9811e05a5b*​/​.code​.coding[1]​.system (l453​/c10)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Bundle​.entry[5]​.resource​.entry[6]​.resource​/*Medication​/6369a973-afc7-4617-8877-3e9811e05a5b*​/​.code​.coding[2]​.system (l453​/c10)informationA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.subject (l31​/c10)errorCan't find 'Patient/7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' in the bundle (Composition.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.author[1] (l36​/c12)errorCan't find 'Practitioner/98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.custodian (l58​/c10)errorCan't find 'Organization/bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d' in the bundle (Composition.custodian). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.attester[1]​.party (l46​/c14)errorCan't find 'Practitioner/98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.attester[2]​.party (l53​/c14)errorCan't find 'Organization/bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[1]​.entry[1] (l104​/c16)errorCan't find 'Condition/ad84b7a2-b4dd-474e-bef3-0779e6cb595f' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:ad84b7a2-b4dd-474e-bef3-0779e6cb595f``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[2]​.entry[1] (l125​/c16)errorCan't find 'MedicationStatement/6e883e5e-7648-485a-86de-3640a61601fe' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:6e883e5e-7648-485a-86de-3640a61601fe``)
Bundle​.entry[1]​.resource​.section[3]​.entry[1] (l146​/c16)errorCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/fe2769fd-22c9-4307-9122-ee0466e5aebb' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:fe2769fd-22c9-4307-9122-ee0466e5aebb``)
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Patient/7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[4].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94``)
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Medication/6369a973-afc7-4617-8877-3e9811e05a5b' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:6369a973-afc7-4617-8877-3e9811e05a5b``)
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Patient/7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94``)
Bundle (l1/c2)errorCan't find 'Patient/7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[7].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94``)
Bundle.entry[2] (l154/c6)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[3] (l230/c6)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[4] (l269/c6)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[5] (l302/c6)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:ad84b7a2-b4dd-474e-bef3-0779e6cb595f' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[6] (l387/c6)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:6e883e5e-7648-485a-86de-3640a61601fe' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[7] (l448/c6)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:6369a973-afc7-4617-8877-3e9811e05a5b' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
Bundle.entry[8] (l479/c6)errorEntry 'urn:uuid:fe2769fd-22c9-4307-9122-ee0466e5aebb' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition

input/examples/medication-39-07-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Medication​.ingredient[0]​.strength​.denominator (l49​/c17)warningUCUM Codes that contain human readable annotations like {tablet} can be misleading (e.g. they are ignored when comparing units). Best Practice is not to depend on annotations in the UCUM code, so this usage should be checked

input/examples/observation-alcoholuse-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation​.value​.ofType(Quantity) (l15​/c17)warningUCUM Codes that contain human readable annotations like {wine glasses} can be misleading (e.g. they are ignored when comparing units). Best Practice is not to depend on annotations in the UCUM code, so this usage should be checked, and the Quantity.unit SHOULD contain the annotation
Observation (l1/c85)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/examples/observation-pregnancy-edd-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation (l1/c85)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/examples/observation-pregnancy-outcome-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation (l1/c85)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/examples/observation-pregnancy-status-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation (l1/c85)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/examples/observation-tobaccouse-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation (l1/c85)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c6684)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c7021)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c7373)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c7698)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c8277)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0] (l1​/c8892)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0] (l1​/c9481)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0] (l1​/c10071)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0] (l1​/c10687)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)[0].target (l1/c10691)warningTarget Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the target codes cannot be checked

input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-pregnancy-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c3616)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c3894)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c4255)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c4261)informationThe resource status 'draft' and the standards status 'trial-use' may not be consistent and should be reviewed[0].source (l1/c4259)warningSource Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the source codes cannot be checked[0].target (l1/c4259)warningTarget Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the target codes cannot be checked

input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c4899)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c5208)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c5483)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0] (l1​/c5770)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[4]​.target[0] (l1​/c6060)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0] (l1​/c6372)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0] (l1​/c6673)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[7]​.target[0] (l1​/c6974)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap (l1/c6980)informationThe resource status 'draft' and the standards status 'trial-use' may not be consistent and should be reviewed[0].source (l1/c6978)warningSource Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the source codes cannot be checked[0].target (l1/c6978)warningTarget Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the target codes cannot be checked

input/maps/ConceptMap-severity-snomedct-uv-ips.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0] (l1​/c3354)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0] (l1​/c3624)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[2]​.target[0] (l1​/c3889)warningThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)[0].source (l1/c3893)warningSource Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the source codes cannot be checked

input/vocabulary/valueset-radiology-numobs-snomed-dicom-uv-ips.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0] (l1/c7948)warningThere are multiple different potential matches for the url ''. It might be a good idea to fix to the correct version to reduce the likelihood of a wrong version being selected by an implementation/implementer. Using version '2022.4.20221006', found versions: 01, 2022.4.20221006, 3.0.1
ValueSet.compose.include[3] (l1/c9367)warningThere are multiple different potential matches for the url ''. It might be a good idea to fix to the correct version to reduce the likelihood of a wrong version being selected by an implementation/implementer. Using version '2022.4.20221006', found versions: 01, 2022.4.20221006, 3.0.1

input/vocabulary/valueset-results-radiology-txtobs-snomed-dicom-loinc-uv-ips.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0] (l1/c5722)warningThere are multiple different potential matches for the url ''. It might be a good idea to fix to the correct version to reduce the likelihood of a wrong version being selected by an implementation/implementer. Using version '2022.4.20221006', found versions: 01, 2022.4.20221006, 3.0.1

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

The "table_B.5-1" value set bound to ImagingStudy.series.instance.sopClass in the base resource is not found by the Publisher/Validator, as it has not been included in the fhir.dicom package. The 'sopClass' binding is not being constrained in the IPS ImagingStudy profile.

The following code systems that are used only in example instances are localized (European) and are not supported by the build terminology service.

The system url used in the example instance for the ICD-11 MMS code system is correct as specified by TSMG/HTA ( A request has been made for the ICD-11 MMS metadata to be added to THO (, but that addition is still pending.

Errors sorted by type


input/examples/observation-alcoholuse-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/examples/observation-pregnancy-edd-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/examples/observation-pregnancy-outcome-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/examples/observation-pregnancy-status-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/examples/observation-tobaccouse-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer


input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Composition.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Practitioner/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' in the bundle (Composition.custodian). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Practitioner/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Condition/c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'MedicationStatement/c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'MedicationStatement/47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Condition/c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Observation/2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Observation/cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Observation/26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[4].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Medication/976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Medication/8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[9].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[10].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[12].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[12].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[13].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[13].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[15].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[15].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Observation/aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Observation/6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[1]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Observation/b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[2]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Observation/a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[3]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[17].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[17].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[18].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[18].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[19].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Composition.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Practitioner/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' in the bundle (Composition.custodian). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Practitioner/1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Condition/c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'MedicationStatement/c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'MedicationStatement/47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Condition/c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Observation/2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Observation/cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Observation/26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Immunization/40b7b6a0-c043-423a-9959-be3707e728b2' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:40b7b6a0-c043-423a-9959-be3707e728b2``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[4].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Medication/976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Medication/8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[6].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[9].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[10].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[12].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[12].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[13].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[13].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[14].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[15].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[15].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Observation/aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Observation/6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[1]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Observation/b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[2]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Observation/a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[16].resource.hasMember[3]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[17].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[17].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[18].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Organization/45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[18].resource.performer[0]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[19].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlCan't find 'Patient/2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[20].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Patient/7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' in the bundle (Composition.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Practitioner/98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Organization/bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d' in the bundle (Composition.custodian). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Practitioner/98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Organization/bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d' in the bundle ( Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Condition/ad84b7a2-b4dd-474e-bef3-0779e6cb595f' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:ad84b7a2-b4dd-474e-bef3-0779e6cb595f``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'MedicationStatement/6e883e5e-7648-485a-86de-3640a61601fe' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:6e883e5e-7648-485a-86de-3640a61601fe``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'AllergyIntolerance/fe2769fd-22c9-4307-9122-ee0466e5aebb' in the bundle (Section Entry). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:fe2769fd-22c9-4307-9122-ee0466e5aebb``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Patient/7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[4].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Medication/6369a973-afc7-4617-8877-3e9811e05a5b' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.medication[x]). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:6369a973-afc7-4617-8877-3e9811e05a5b``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Patient/7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[5].resource.subject). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94``)
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonCan't find 'Patient/7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' in the bundle (Bundle.entry[7].resource.patient). Note that there is a resource in the bundle with the same type and id, but it does not match because of the fullUrl based rules around matching relative references (must be ``urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94``)


input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-01.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ef' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf15' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc80' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec6' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02e' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c6' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad94' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01646' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b572' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c5' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/IPS-bundle-with-immunization.xmlEntry 'urn:uuid:40b7b6a0-c043-423a-9959-be3707e728b2' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:7685713c-e29e-4a75-8a90-45be7ba3be94' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:98315ba9-ffea-41ef-b59b-a836c039858f' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:bb6bdf4f-7fcb-4d44-96a5-b858ad031d1d' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:ad84b7a2-b4dd-474e-bef3-0779e6cb595f' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:6e883e5e-7648-485a-86de-3640a61601fe' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:6369a973-afc7-4617-8877-3e9811e05a5b' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition
input/examples/bundle-minimal.jsonEntry 'urn:uuid:fe2769fd-22c9-4307-9122-ee0466e5aebb' isn't reachable by traversing links (forward or backward) from the Composition


input/vocabulary/codesystem-absent-unknown-uv-ips.xmlMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)


input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-pregnancy-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlSource Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the source codes cannot be checked
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlSource Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the source codes cannot be checked
input/maps/ConceptMap-severity-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlSource Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the source codes cannot be checked


input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlTarget Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the target codes cannot be checked
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-pregnancy-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlTarget Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the target codes cannot be checked
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlTarget Code System doesn't have all content (content = not-present), so the target codes cannot be checked


input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-absence-to-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-pregnancy-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-pregnancy-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-pregnancy-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-severity-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-severity-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)
input/maps/ConceptMap-severity-snomedct-uv-ips.xmlThe modifier extension from FHIR version 1.0 is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed =; this element is [[BackboneElement,]; this is a warning since contexts may be renamed between FHIR versions)


input/examples/medication-39-07-1.xmlUCUM Codes that contain human readable annotations like {tablet} can be misleading (e.g. they are ignored when comparing units). Best Practice is not to depend on annotations in the UCUM code, so this usage should be checked


input/examples/observation-alcoholuse-1.xmlUCUM Codes that contain human readable annotations like {wine glasses} can be misleading (e.g. they are ignored when comparing units). Best Practice is not to depend on annotations in the UCUM code, so this usage should be checked, and the Quantity.unit SHOULD contain the annotation


input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-pregnancy-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe resource status 'draft' and the standards status 'trial-use' may not be consistent and should be reviewed
input/maps/ConceptMap-loinc-smoking-status-to-snomed-ct-uv-ips.xmlThe resource status 'draft' and the standards status 'trial-use' may not be consistent and should be reviewed
input/profiles/CapabilityStatement-uv-ips.structuredefinition.xmlThe resource status 'draft' and the standards status 'trial-use' may not be consistent and should be reviewed
input/profiles/OperationDefinition-summary-uv-ips.structuredefinition.xmlThe resource status 'draft' and the standards status 'trial-use' may not be consistent and should be reviewed


input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-doseform.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'class' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-doseform.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'domain' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-doseform.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'class' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-doseform.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'domain' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-doseform.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'class' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-doseform.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'domain' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-doseform.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'class' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-doseform.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'domain' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-route-of-administration.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'class' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}
input/vocabulary/valueset-medicine-route-of-administration.xmlNo definition can be found for the system, and the property 'domain' is not a generally known property, so the property might not be valid, or understood by the terminology ecosystem. In case its useful, the list of generally known properties for all systems is {2}