Name |
Copyright |
Notes |
TreatmentTypeVS |
Type of treatments ValueSet |
☑ |
TNMPrimaryTumorVS |
TNM Primary Tumor ValueSet |
☑ |
SACQPatientComorbidityHistory |
SACQ Patient's comorbidity history ValueSet |
☑ |
ComplicationImpactVS |
Impact of complication ValueSet |
☑ |
TargetedTherapyVS |
Type of targeted therapy ValueSet |
☑ |
TherapyIntentVS |
Intent of therapy ValueSet |
☑ |
GermlineMutationVS |
Germline Mutation ValueSet |
☑ |
ReoperationReasonVS |
Reasoncode of the re-operation |
☑ |
TargetedAxillaSurgeryVS |
Targeted axilla surgery ValueSet |
☑ |
MenopausalStatusVS |
Menopausal status of patient ValueSet |
☑ |
LateralityVS |
Laterality of breast cancer ValueSet |
☑ |
InvolvedMarginsReoperationTypeVS |
Re-operation due to involved margins ValueSet |
☑ |
LocationRadiotherapyVS |
The location of radiotherapy ValueSet |
☑ |
RecommendedTreatmentTypeVS |
Recommended treatment types ValueSet |
☑ |
PatientTreatPrefVS |
Patient treatment preference ValueSet |
☑ |
RecurrenceMethodVS |
Recurrence method ValueSet |
☑ |
ChemoTherapyTypeVS |
Type of chemotherapy ValueSet |
☑ |
ProgesteroneStatusVS |
Progesterone receptor status ValueSet |
☑ |
TNMRegionalNodesVS |
TNM Regional Nodes ValueSet |
☑ |
EducationLevelVS |
Education level of patient ValueSet |
☑ |
LateralityNewCancerVS |
Laterality of new cancer ValueSet |
☑ |
ComplicationTypeVS |
Type of complication ValueSet |
☑ |
ReoperationTypeVS |
Type of re-operation |
☑ |
AxillaSurgeryVS |
Axilla surgery ValueSet |
☑ |
HormonalTherapyTypeVS |
Type of hormonal therapy ValueSet |
☑ |
HER2ReceptorStatusVS |
HER2 receptor status ValueSet |
☑ |
TNMDistantMetastasesVS |
TNM Distant Metastases ValueSet |
☑ |
EstrogenStatusVS |
Estrogen receptor status ValueSet |
☑ |
GradingVS |
Grading of tumor ValueSet |
☑ |
HistologicalTypeVS |
Histological type of the tumor ValueSet |
☑ |