Patient Cost Transparency Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Financial Management. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0-draft built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative: Bundle PCT-AEOB-Bundle-1
Bundle PCT-AEOB-Bundle-1 of type collection
Entry 1 - fullUrl =
Resource ExplanationOfBenefit:
Generated Narrative: ExplanationOfBenefit PCT-AEOB-Summary-1
Service Description: Example service
In Network Provider Options Link:
status: Active
type: Estimate Summary
use: Predetermination
patient: Eve Betterhalf Female, DoB: 1955-07-23 (
billablePeriod: 2022-01-01 --> 2022-01-01
created: 2021-10-12
insurer: Organization Umbrella Insurance Company
provider: ?rref?
outcome: complete
Focal Coverage true Coverage: extension = insurance,false; status = active; subscriberId = PFP123450000; relationship = Self; period = 2021-01-01 --> 2022-01-01 total
category: Submitted Amount
Value Currency 200 USD ProcessNotes
Extension Text processNote disclaimer text benefitPeriod: 2022-01-01 --> 2022-01-01
category: Medical Care
unit: Individual
term: Annual
Extension Type Allowed[x] Used[x] Allowed $1.00 (USD) $1.00 (USD)
Entry 2 - fullUrl =
Resource ExplanationOfBenefit:
Generated Narrative: ExplanationOfBenefit PCT-AEOB-1
Service Description: Example service
In Network Provider Options Link:
identifier: Unique Claim ID/?ngen-9?
status: Active
type: Institutional
use: Predetermination
patient: Eve Betterhalf Female, DoB: 1955-07-23 (
created: 2021-10-12
insurer: Organization Umbrella Insurance Company
provider: Organization Boston Radiology Center
priority: Normal
claim: Identifier:
/59688475-2324-3242-23473847outcome: complete
Focal Coverage true Coverage: extension = insurance,false; status = active; subscriberId = PFP123450000; relationship = Self; period = 2021-01-01 --> 2022-01-01 item
sequence: 1
revenue: Magnetic Resonance Technology (MRT) - Brain/brain stem
productOrService: Magnetic resonance (eg, proton) imaging, brain (including brain stem); without contrast material
modifier: Magnetic resonance (eg, proton) imaging, brain (including brain stem); without contrast material
serviced: 2022-01-01
Value Currency 200 USD Adjudications
Extension Category Medical Management Adjudications
Extension Category Medical Management Submitted Amount Member Liability total
category: Submitted Amount
Value Currency 200 USD ProcessNotes
Extension Text processNote disclaimer text benefitPeriod: 2022-01-01 --> 2023-01-01
category: Medical Care
unit: Individual
term: Annual
Extension Type Allowed[x] Used[x] Allowed $1.00 (USD) $1.00 (USD)
Entry 3 - fullUrl =
Resource Patient:
Eve Betterhalf female, DoB: 1955-07-23 (
Marital Status: unmarried Contact Details:
- ph: 781-949-4949(MOBILE)
- 222 Burlington Road, Bedford MA 01730
Language: English (United States) (preferred)
Entry 4 - fullUrl =
Resource Coverage:
Resource Coverage "coverage1001"
Profile: PCT Coverage
Extension Definition for Coverage.kind for Version 5.0: insurance
status: active
subscriberId: PFP123450000
beneficiary: Patient/patient1001 " BETTERHALF"
relationship: Self (SubscriberPolicyholder Relationship Codes#self)
period: 2021-01-01 --> 2022-01-01
payor: Organization/org1001 "Umbrella Insurance Company"
Type Value Name Plan (Coverage Class Codes#plan) Premim Family Plus Premim Family Plus Plan CostToBeneficiaries
Type Value[x] Copay Percentage (Coverage Copay Type Codes#copaypct) 20
Entry 5 - fullUrl =
Resource Organization:
Resource Organization "org1001"
Profile: PCT Organization
identifier: Electronic Transmitter Identification Number/ETIN-3200002
active: true
type: Payer (Organization type#pay)
name: Umbrella Insurance Company
telecom: ph: 860-547-5001(WORK)
address: 680 Asylum Street Hartford CT 06155 US
Entry 6 - fullUrl =
Resource Bundle:
Generated Narrative: Bundle PCT-GFE-Bundle-Inst-1
Bundle PCT-GFE-Bundle-Inst-1 of type collection
Entry 1 - fullUrl =
Resource Claim:
Resource Claim "PCT-GFE-Summary-1"
Profile: PCT Good Faith Estimate Summary
status: active
type: Estimate Summary (PCT Estimate Type Code System#estimate-summary)
use: predetermination
patient: Patient/patient1001 " BETTERHALF"
billablePeriod: 2021-10-31 --> 2021-10-31
created: 2021-10-05
insurer: Organization/org1001 "Umbrella Insurance Company"
provider: ??
priority: Normal (Process Priority Codes#normal)
Sequence Diagnosis[x] Type PackageCode 1 Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)#S06.30) Principal Diagnosis (Example Diagnosis Type Codes#principal) Head trauma - concussion (Example Diagnosis Related Group Codes#400) Insurances
Sequence Focal Coverage 1 true Coverage/coverage1001 Totals
Value Currency 200 USD Entry 2 - fullUrl =
Resource Claim:
Resource Claim "PCT-GFE-Institutional-1"
ProviderEventMethodology: EEMM1021
GFEDisclaimer: For estimation purposes only
value: 223452-2342-2435-008001
value: 2021-10-31
identifier: Placer Identifier/GFEProviderAssignedID0001
status: active
type: Institutional (Claim Type Codes#institutional)
use: predetermination
patient: Patient/patient1001 " BETTERHALF"
created: 2021-10-05
insurer: Organization/org1001 "Umbrella Insurance Company"
provider: Organization/Submitter-Org-1 "GFE Service Help INC."
priority: Normal (Process Priority Codes#normal)
Type Provider (Payee Type Codes#provider) referral: : Referral Number
Sequence Category Code 1 Type of Bill (PCT GFE Supporting Info Type Code System#typeofbill) Hospital Inpatient (Part A) (AHA NUBC Type Of Bill Codes#011X) Diagnoses
Sequence Diagnosis[x] Type PackageCode 1 Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)#S06.30) Principal Diagnosis (Example Diagnosis Type Codes#principal) Head trauma - concussion (Example Diagnosis Related Group Codes#400) Insurances
Sequence Focal Coverage 1 true Coverage/coverage1001 item
Service Description: Imaging
sequence: 1
revenue: Magnetic Resonance Technology (MRT) - Brain/brain stem (AHA NUBC Revenue Codes#0611)
productOrService: Magnetic resonance (eg, proton) imaging, brain (including brain stem); without contrast material (Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®)#70551)
modifier: Magnetic resonance (eg, proton) imaging, brain (including brain stem); without contrast material (Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®)#70551)
serviced: 2021-10-31
quantity: 1
Value Currency 200 USD Totals
Value Currency 200 USD Entry 3 - fullUrl =
Resource Organization:
Resource Organization "Submitter-Org-1"
Profile: PCT Organization
identifier: Electronic Transmitter Identification Number/ETIN-10010301
active: true
type: Non-Healthcare Business or Corporation (Organization type#bus)
name: GFE Service Help INC.
Purpose Name Telecom GFE-related (PCT Organization Contact Purpose Type Code System#GFERELATED) Clara Sender ph: 781-632-3209(WORK), Entry 4 - fullUrl =
Resource Organization:
Resource Organization "org1001"
Profile: PCT Organization
identifier: Electronic Transmitter Identification Number/ETIN-3200002
active: true
type: Payer (Organization type#pay)
name: Umbrella Insurance Company
telecom: ph: 860-547-5001(WORK)
address: 680 Asylum Street Hartford CT 06155 US
Entry 5 - fullUrl =
Resource Patient:
Eve Betterhalf female, DoB: 1955-07-23 (
Marital Status: unmarried Contact Details:
- ph: 781-949-4949(MOBILE)
- 222 Burlington Road, Bedford MA 01730
Language: English (United States) (preferred) Entry 6 - fullUrl =
Resource Coverage:
Resource Coverage "coverage1001"
Profile: PCT Coverage
Extension Definition for Coverage.kind for Version 5.0: insurance
status: active
subscriberId: PFP123450000
beneficiary: Patient/patient1001 " BETTERHALF"
relationship: Self (SubscriberPolicyholder Relationship Codes#self)
period: 2021-01-01 --> 2022-01-01
payor: Organization/org1001 "Umbrella Insurance Company"
Type Value Name Plan (Coverage Class Codes#plan) Premim Family Plus Premim Family Plus Plan CostToBeneficiaries
Type Value[x] Copay Percentage (Coverage Copay Type Codes#copaypct) 20