Vital Signs with Qualifying Elements
2.0.0 - ci-build International flag

Vital Signs with Qualifying Elements, published by HL7 International - Clinical Information Modeling Initiative. This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0). This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Heart Rate Measurement Body Location Precoordinated value set

Official URL: Version: 2.0.0
Draft as of 2023-07-18 Computable Name: HeartRateMeasurementBodyLocationPrecoordinatedvalueset

Copyright/Legal: This value set includes content from SNOMED CT, which is copyright © 2002+ International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), and distributed by agreement between IHTSDO and HL7. Implementer use of SNOMED CT is not covered by this agreement

SELECT SNOMED CT code system values that describe where on the body the heart rate was measured.


Logical Definition (CLD)

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include these codes as defined in
    32062004Common carotid artery structure (body structure)
    113263003Left common carotid artery structure (body structure)
    65355003Right common carotid artery structure (body structure)
    13383001Structure of apex of heart (body structure)
    17137000Structure of brachial artery (body structure)
    86547008Structure of dorsalis pedis artery (body structure)
    7657000Structure of femoral artery (body structure)
    723961002Structure of left brachial artery (body structure)
    792817008Structure of left dorsalis pedis artery (body structure)
    113270003Structure of left femoral artery (body structure)
    25885001Structure of left popliteal artery (body structure)
    214912001Structure of left posterior tibial artery (body structure)
    50408007Structure of left pulmonary artery
    368504007Structure of left radial artery (body structure)
    24781000205105Structure of left superficial temporal artery (body structure)
    368506009Structure of left ulnar artery (body structure)
    43899006Structure of popliteal artery (body structure)
    13363002Structure of posterior tibial artery (body structure)
    45631007Structure of radial artery (body structure)
    723962009Structure of right brachial artery (body structure)
    792816004Structure of right dorsalis pedis artery (body structure)
    69833005Structure of right femoral artery (body structure)
    57832007Structure of right popliteal artery (body structure)
    368503001Structure of right radial artery (body structure)
    214811007Structure of right posterior tibial artery (body structure)
    78480002Structure of right pulmonary artery (body structure)
    24791000205107Structure of right superficial temporal artery (body structure)
    368505008Structure of right ulnar artery (body structure)
    15672000Structure of superficial temporal artery (body structure)
    44984001Structure of ulnar artery (body structure)
  • Include these codes as defined in
    24781000205105Structure of left superficial temporal artery (body structure)A body structure of the superficial tempral artery on the left side of the body. Currently part of the Solor SNOMED CT extension.
    24791000205107Structure of right superficial temporal artery (body structure)A body structure of the superficial tempral artery on the right side of the body. Currently part of the Solor SNOMED CT extension.



This value set contains 30 concepts

Expansion based on:

  32062004 carotid artery structure (body structure)
  113263003 common carotid artery structure (body structure)
  65355003 common carotid artery structure (body structure)
  13383001 of apex of heart (body structure)
  17137000 of brachial artery (body structure)
  86547008 of dorsalis pedis artery (body structure)
  7657000 of femoral artery (body structure)
  723961002 of left brachial artery (body structure)
  792817008 of left dorsalis pedis artery (body structure)
  113270003 of left femoral artery (body structure)
  25885001 of left popliteal artery (body structure)
  214912001 of left posterior tibial artery (body structure)
  50408007 of left pulmonary artery
  368504007 of left radial artery (body structure)
  368506009 of left ulnar artery (body structure)
  43899006 of popliteal artery (body structure)
  13363002 of posterior tibial artery (body structure)
  45631007 of radial artery (body structure)
  723962009 of right brachial artery (body structure)
  792816004 of right dorsalis pedis artery (body structure)
  69833005 of right femoral artery (body structure)
  57832007 of right popliteal artery (body structure)
  368503001 of right radial artery (body structure)
  214811007 of right posterior tibial artery (body structure)
  78480002 of right pulmonary artery (body structure)
  368505008 of right ulnar artery (body structure)
  15672000 of superficial temporal artery (body structure)
  44984001 of ulnar artery (body structure)
  24781000205105 of left superficial temporal artery (body structure)

A body structure of the superficial tempral artery on the left side of the body. Currently part of the Solor SNOMED CT extension.

  24791000205107 of right superficial temporal artery (body structure)

A body structure of the superficial tempral artery on the right side of the body. Currently part of the Solor SNOMED CT extension.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code