US Core Implementation Guide
8.0.0 - STU 8 United States of America flag

US Core Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Cross-Group Projects. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 8.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example DiagnosticReport: CBC Example

Page standards status: Informative

*This example may lack required data for laboratory results transmitted by a laboratory certified to perform testing on human specimens under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).

Generated Narrative: DiagnosticReport cbc

Last updated: 2005-07-06 15:29:58+0000

Profile: US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting

CBC panel - Blood by Automated count (Laboratory)

SubjectAmy V. Baxter Female, DoB: 1987-02-20 ( Medical Record Number: 1032702 (use: usual, ))
When For2005-07-05
Reported2005-07-06 11:45:33+0000
Performer Acme Laboratory, Inc

Report Details

CodeValueReference RangeFlags
WBCs10.0 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code10*3/uL = '10*3/uL')Normal Range: 4.5 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code10*3/uL = '10*3/uL') - 11.0 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code10*3/uL = '10*3/uL')Final, Normal
Erythrocytes4.58 10*6/uL (Details: UCUM code10*6/uL = '10*6/uL')Normal Range: 4.1 10*6/uL (Details: UCUM code10*6/uL = '10*6/uL') - 6.1 10*6/uL (Details: UCUM code10*6/uL = '10*6/uL')Final, Normal
Hemoglobin17.0 g/dL (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL')Normal Range: 16.5 g/dL (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL') - 21.5 g/dL (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL')Final, Normal
Hematocrit43.0 % (Details: UCUM code% = '%')Normal Range: 46.0 % (Details: UCUM code% = '%') - 38.0 % (Details: UCUM code% = '%')Final, Normal
MCV85.0 fL (Details: UCUM codefL = 'fL')Normal Range: 87.3 fL (Details: UCUM codefL = 'fL') - 82.4 fL (Details: UCUM codefL = 'fL')Final, Normal
MCH30.0 pg (Details: UCUM codepg = 'pg')Normal Range: 33.2 pg (Details: UCUM codepg = 'pg') - 27.5 pg (Details: UCUM codepg = 'pg')Final, Normal
MCHC34.7 g/dL (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL')Normal Range: 30.0 g/dL (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL') - 34.0 g/dL (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL')Final, High
Platelets200.0 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code10*3/uL = '10*3/uL')Normal Range: 150.0 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code10*3/uL = '10*3/uL') - 450.0 10*3/uL (Details: UCUM code10*3/uL = '10*3/uL')Final, Normal