Union of http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/CodeSystem/tx-issue-type and http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/CodeSystem/tx-issue-type

This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in Terminology Issue Type (http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/CodeSystem/tx-issue-type) and Terminology Issue Type (http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/CodeSystem/tx-issue-type). E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem e4bb1f7a-93d7-400f-a8a6-d2f93ccfde9d-41

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/comparison/CodeSystem/e4bb1f7a-93d7-400f-a8a6-d2f93ccfde9d-41 defines codes, but no codes are represented here

not-found Not FoundAn issue that identifies a code system or value set that was not found validating the code(s)
not-in-vs Not in ValueSetAn issue that represents the value set validation failure
this-code-not-in-vs This code not in valuesetAn issue that indicates that a particular code as not in the value set (but others might be)
invalid-data Invalid DataAn issue that indicates that the code/Coding/CodeableConcept provided was invalid
invalid-code Invalid CodeAn issue that indicates that a provided code is not valid in a code system
invalid-display Invalid DisplayAn issue relating to the display provided for a code
cannot-infer Cannot Infer SystemAn issue indicating why inferring the code system failed (for type=code)
code-rule Code RuleAn issue indicating that a valid code was not valid in this context
vs-invalid ValueSet InvalidAn issue relating to a problem processing a value set while validating
status-check Status CheckAn issue pertaining to the status of the underlying resources