Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide
1.2.0-ci-build - draft Australia flag

Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide, published by Australian Digital Health Agency. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.2.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example ServiceRequest: Revoked order for CT of Left Knee with Contrast for Mac PRIEST (2022)

Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest

Resource ServiceRequest "order-lk-ct-contrast-01"

Profile: MODI Request for Diagnostic Imaging Service


location: Knee region structure (SNOMED CT#72696002)

locationQualifier: Left (SNOMED CT#7771000)

patient: #hi-testdata-priest-mac

identifier: Placer Order Identifier/88478748486511477

status: revoked

intent: order

category: Diagnostic imaging service (SNOMED CT#708175003), Computed tomography imaging - action (SNOMED CT#312251004)

code: CT of Left Knee with Contrast (SNOMED CT#410321000119109 "CT of left knee with contrast")


identifier: National unique individual identifier/8003608333563104 (use: official), Patient's Medicare number/2953307121 (period: (?) --> 2024-03-31)

name: Mac PRIEST

telecom:, ph: 0491 572 665

gender: male

birthDate: 1989-03-09

authoredOn: 2022-02-01 09:55:00+1000


identifier: Employee Number/8223NSW

practitioner: #sarah-bondiali: Dr Sarah Bondiali

organization: #bondi-gp-medical-centre: Bondi GP Medical Centre NSW

code: General Practitioner (SNOMED CT#62247001)

telecom: ph: 0491570006, ph: (02) 5550 6660(WORK),


identifier: LSPN/174333, HPI-O/8003629900033370

providedBy: : Metropolitan Specialist Services Group

type: Radiology service (SNOMED CT#310125001)

name: Metropolitan Specialist Services Group NSW Hospital - Radiololgy services

telecom: ph: (02) 5550 2537

Mac PRIEST male, DoB: 1989-03-09 ( Patient's Medicare number/2953307121 (period: (?) --> 2024-03-31))

Other Id:National unique individual identifier/8003608333563104 (use: official)
Contact Detail

Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole #nsw-gp

identifier: Employee Number/8223NSW

practitioner: #sarah-bondiali: Dr Sarah Bondiali

organization: #bondi-gp-medical-centre: Bondi GP Medical Centre NSW

code: General Practitioner (SNOMED CT#62247001)

telecom: ph: 0491570006, ph: (02) 5550 6660(WORK),

Generated Narrative: Practitioner #sarah-bondiali

identifier: Prescriber Number/663221

name: Dr Sarah Bondiali

gender: female

Generated Narrative: Organization #bondi-gp-medical-centre

name: Bondi GP Medical Centre NSW

Generated Narrative: HealthcareService #mssg-nsw-hospital-radio

identifier: LSPN/174333, HPI-O/8003629900033370

providedBy: : Metropolitan Specialist Services Group

type: Radiology service (SNOMED CT#310125001)

name: Metropolitan Specialist Services Group NSW Hospital - Radiololgy services

telecom: ph: (02) 5550 2537

Generated Narrative: BodyStructure #left-knee

location: Knee region structure (SNOMED CT#72696002)

locationQualifier: Left (SNOMED CT#7771000)

patient: #hi-testdata-priest-mac