Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide
1.2.0-ci-build - draft Australia flag

Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide, published by Australian Digital Health Agency. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.2.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

: Completed order for pre-chemotherapy echocardiography for Mr. Zhang Wei - TTL Representation

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@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sct: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:ServiceRequest ;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;
  fhir:id [ fhir:v "order-echo-01"] ; # 
  fhir:meta [
    ( fhir:profile [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>     ] [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>     ] )
  ] ; # 
  fhir:text [
fhir:status [ fhir:v "generated" ] ;
fhir:div "<div xmlns=\"\"><p><b>Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest </b><a name=\"order-echo-01\"> </a><a name=\"hcorder-echo-01\"> </a></p><div style=\"display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%\"><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">ResourceServiceRequest &quot;order-echo-01&quot; </p><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">Profiles: <a href=\"StructureDefinition-dh-servicerequest-core-1.html\">ADHA Core ServiceRequest</a>, <a href=\"\">AU Base Diagnostic Request</a></p></div><p><b>status</b>: completed</p><p><b>intent</b>: order</p><p><b>category</b>: Cardiovascular investigation <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">SNOMED CT</a>#1579131000168100)</span>, Cardiac Ultrasound <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">diagnosticServiceSectionId</a>#CUS)</span></p><p><b>code</b>: Echocardiography <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">SNOMED CT</a>#40701008)</span></p><p><b>subject</b>: <a href=\"Patient-p2p-zhang-wei.html\">Patient/p2p-zhang-wei</a> &quot; ZHANG&quot;</p><p><b>authoredOn</b>: 2019-01-05 00:00:00+1000</p><p><b>requester</b>: <a href=\"PractitionerRole-chong-michelle-oncologist.html\">PractitionerRole/chong-michelle-oncologist</a></p><p><b>performer</b>: <a href=\"HealthcareService-mssg-nsw-hospital-cardio.html\">HealthcareService/mssg-nsw-hospital-cardio</a> &quot;Metropolitan Specialist Services Group NSW Hospital - Cardiology services&quot;</p><p><b>reasonCode</b>: Pre-chemotherapy <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> ()</span></p></div>"
  ] ; # 
  fhir:status [ fhir:v "completed"] ; # 
  fhir:intent [ fhir:v "order"] ; # 
  fhir:category ( [
    ( fhir:coding [
a sct:1579131000168100 ;
fhir:system [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
fhir:code [ fhir:v "1579131000168100" ]     ] ) ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Cardiovascular investigation" ]
  ] [
    ( fhir:coding [
fhir:system [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
fhir:code [ fhir:v "CUS" ] ;
fhir:display [ fhir:v "Cardiac Ultrasound" ]     ] )
  ] ) ; # 
  fhir:code [
    ( fhir:coding [
a sct:40701008 ;
fhir:system [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
fhir:code [ fhir:v "40701008" ] ;
fhir:display [ fhir:v "Echocardiography" ]     ] )
  ] ; # 
  fhir:subject [
fhir:reference [ fhir:v "Patient/p2p-zhang-wei" ] ;
fhir:identifier [
fhir:type [
        ( fhir:coding [
fhir:system [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
fhir:code [ fhir:v "NI" ] ;
fhir:display [ fhir:v "National unique individual identifier" ]         ] ) ;
fhir:text [ fhir:v "IHI" ]       ] ;
fhir:system [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "8003608000228437" ]     ]
  ] ; # 
  fhir:authoredOn [ fhir:v "2019-01-05T00:00:00+10:00"^^xsd:dateTime] ; # 
  fhir:requester [
fhir:reference [ fhir:v "PractitionerRole/chong-michelle-oncologist" ]
  ] ; # 
  fhir:performer ( [
fhir:reference [ fhir:v "HealthcareService/mssg-nsw-hospital-cardio" ]
  ] ) ; # 
  fhir:reasonCode ( [
fhir:text [ fhir:v "Pre-chemotherapy" ]
  ] ) . #